Friday 30 September 2011


Lade - 0630hrs - warm, dry, sunny, light airs - The unseasonal weather continues... A viz mig from the Ariel mound produced a trickle of Mipts, Skylarks, Siskins, wagtails and Goldfinches. A Whinchat on the storm beaches was the best of the grounded migrants.
The Plovers traps hit the 20 species mark with plenty of quantity but no real quality for Bernard Skinner to enjoy. However, I did record a decent Pine Carpet at last.
Bill and Anne returned home today having clocked up 115 species of birds during the week.
1700hrs - Checked the bay for waders and gulls, but nothing of note apart from a Bonxie that came in off the sea and set about a Common Gull! Everything got up in sheer panic before the big, brown, brute drifted off towards the Point.
                                            Pine Carpet, Plovers

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