Monday, 27 September 2021

Sad Times

Barney passed away yesterday after living a full and varied life for a little over 15 years. He was a much loved dog and not only by family and friends, but also the many clients who`ve stayed with us at Plovers down the years and seen him mature from a puppy to adulthood. He was a great favourite with local birders too and the very best companion to me when out birding; particularly when he flushed a Stone Curlew from the shingle a few years ago! He was also a well travelled dog having joined us on trips to the Highlands of Scotland, the Lake District, the Somerset Levels, the New Forest, Yorkshire, Suffolk, Dorset and Devon amongst others, but his heart and soul was firmly on the Romney Marsh, and in particular the shingle lands of Lade and Dungeness. Pat and I shall miss him dearly.  


  1. sorry to hear your news...He was a dog blog hero....

  2. Sorry for your loss, he was a lovely dog

  3. Oh Paul, that's so sad, he was such a photogenic dog and I always enjoyed seeing him in your blog photos. I love the last photo of him, looking out to sea.

  4. Sad times indeed. Sorry to hear this, he was a good old boy.

  5. Very sad news, but what a great life, much loved !

  6. Thanks for all your kind comments folks, they`ve been greatly appreciated by Pat and myself.

  7. Awww didn’t know you had lost Barney - so sorry to hear. Devastated for you all. Xx
