Monday 6 April 2020

Early Grey

Lade - Lockdown Day 14 - mild, cloudy morning, sunny afternoon, sw 3 - Well, the much forecast rain never materialised, apart from a few drops that amounted to nuisance value. Our exercise walk around the local patch produced not a single summer visitor and nothing new for the list. On the beach, a Sandwich Tern, plus 12 Sanderlings, 11 Ringed Plovers and two Dunlins. This afternoon in the garden fir trees another Firecrest was noted.
  The garden moth trap had Early Grey and Bright Line Bright Eye amongst four species of macro-moths.

                               Early Grey

                                Bright-line Brown-eye


  1. Hi Paul is it nonadvisable for me to take an exercise walk along the Lade pits for an hour or so this week sticking to strict social distancing?

  2. Try ta ChrisG

  3. Hi Chris, I cannot see any reason why not, provided you can walk to site from your home; most of the time we don't encounter anyone else, so social distancing is not a problem.
